Wednesday, October 22, 2008

more october outside ...

this fern, seen above,
lives in a very nice,
tall shapely container
in the back yard.
Sadly, it's not doing as well as i
would hope.

I suppose it needs a lot more of
... something to make it look pretty and fernly.
That could mean i need to be
watering a lot more frequently.

It's certainly not a case of
burnt by too much light.

and below, you see one of my
favourite plant containers.
This terra cotta has moved house with me
I love the shape of this pot.

1 comment:

jordi said...

I'm loving seeing your place and seeing you posting again! I have an indoor fern in the same state. It isn't looking like it is happy but I don't know how to improve its outlook. If you find a solution, pass it on!!