Friday, September 12, 2008

not only Fun but a Great cause....

knitting tiny hats?

itsy bitsy, tiny hats?
oh, that sounds

like a lot of fun ... plus it's for
a wonderful cause:
The Big Knit Story.
Click Here to see "Innocent" Drinks.
that's who is setting up
the Hat Project/The Big Knit Story.
Have a look at Ann & Kay's Posting
to see more scoop on the tiny hats.

You won't want to miss the video that
Gill has posted for the 11th of September (2008)
Or, you can click This Link to see the video right
from the Innocent Drinks Site.

They even have a "hat of the week" link on their site.
How Fun is that ? !

1 comment:

Gill said...

But I agree with Sue K, Nadine - wouldn't it be fun if the hats were of some use afterwards?

I do like the video though. Thanks for the link.