Wednesday, August 13, 2008

soft and delicious

hold onto your hats.

Well, my hat, in this case.

There are more cookies here.

There was more baking

over the weekend.
It was a recipe from the New York Times.
Chocolate chip cookies. You can
see the photo from the article, here.
(oh my gosh, Amazing chocolate chip cookies ! )

I'm not complaining at all.

the cookies are astounding.
If you are ever in the mood for baking
your own chocolate chip cookies, i highly
this recipe (click here for the link).

Now i'm living now with DOZENS

of cookies and i must admit
that cookies & willpower don't usually
come in the same breath with me.
Unless of course, you're saying something
along the lines of ....
" i don't have any willpower when

it comes to cookies."

At this rate,
i'm not going to fit into any

of my clothes.
I'll either be wearing bath towels

or off to go shopping for bulgey-clothes.

1 comment:

Gill said...

Nadine this is spooky..I saw this article referred to in another blog I read and decided I need ot bake them. Now I've read your description I realise I need to bake them NOW!!